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Faites de la place sur la table pour un classique des classiques, un délice qui nous vient de nos cousins français : l’indétrônable gratin savoyard. Riche, mais délicat, polyvalent, délicieux à l’année, facile à préparer : cet accompagnement-là a vraiment tout pour lui.

Potatoes Savoyarde

Faites de la place sur la table pour un classique des classiques, un délice qui nous vient de nos cousins français : l’indétrônable gratin savoyard. Riche, mais délicat, polyvalent, délicieux à l’année, facile à préparer : cet accompagnement-là a vraiment tout pour lui.

Make room on the table for this classic French side dish: the unbeatable potatoes Savoyarde. We think every big meal should have a delicious potato side dish because, let’s face it, everyone loves potatoes. Especially when they’re that creamy and cheesy! Rich yet delicate, versatile, delicious, and easy to make, this is one side dish you won’t want to skip. We’ve been serving this recipe at our annual Easter lunch (a delicious all-day affair) for years! A dish worth (re)discovering.

Preparation 15 min
Cooking time 45 min
Portions 4



  1. Preheat the oven to 375 °F.
  2. Grease an 8 x 8 baking dish with the butter.
  3. Place about ⅓ of the potato slices on the bottom of the dish. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add about a third of the garlic, a third of the thyme, and a third of the cheese. Repeat these steps to create three even layers.
  4. Carefully pour the hot stock along the edges of the baking dish to avoid getting the cheese wet.
  5. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake for 25 minutes.
  6. Uncover and bake for an additional 20 minutes, until the potatoes are tender and the cheese is golden brown.
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